A nice breeze and a little summer dress makes Sunday a good day. In my home Sunday is a day of rest and rest we do. One of my favorite outfits to lounge in is a feather light dress and sturdy shoes. You never know when an impromptu stroll will occur.
Balance is a big factor and while the denim jacket lends to the "I just threw this on" look it also compensates for the shorter hemline. "simplify, simplify, simplify" sometimes its nice to wear very little makeup and accessories. Just some pearl studs and mascara to top it off.
The beautiful backdrop for the day is my clothes line. Going green is at our fingertips! Whether you live in a crowded city or on a great expanse of land the options are incredible for clothes lines. Conserve energy and save money on your electric bill during the summer. And there's nothing like the smell of fresh sun/breeze dried clothes.