Monday, January 22, 2018

Who Takes Your Pictures?

Since I received a good response on the How I Started Modeling post, I thought I would answer another common question I

Piper, Who takes your pictures?
Well the answer is a little complicated, so why not make a post about it?
The short answer is "Different people."
The long answer is... I do photo shoots somewhat regularly for work and for collaborations when people ask me and if it's a good fit.
I'll break down each type of shoot I do.

If it's a commercial shoot I have no control over who the photographer is.
 Sometimes I already know the photographer and sometimes the photographer even recommends me.
That doesn't always happen but it's nice when it does!

Commercial and collaborative shoots are similar in how you get the photos and what you do with them.
An online album is made and invitations are sent to all parties involved in the shoot to download and use for social media unless it is to be published. (I won't get into that here)
ALWAYS tag the people involved in the shoot, especially the company, photographer and any hair and makeup/vendors involved if you post to social media!!!
I can't stress this part enough,  always give credit where credit is due.

Another source of photos? My friends!!!
I have many friends who are photographers so when they get a new lens or piece of equipment they will ask to test shoot/get creative and I'm happy to oblige.

Meeting people with similar interests as you can be helpful. 
I've even gone to lunch with a fellow blogger and we each took turns taking outfit photos with our phones, I've only done that one once but it was fun and could be a good idea if that sounds right for you!

You know what they say "if you want something done right, do it yourself" 
Every once in awhile I break out the old tripod and use the self timer in a pinch.
Some bloggers rely solely on this method and they do it beautifully!

Last but not least I've started to get my human selfie stick *cough* I mean my Husband to take iPhone and camera photos for the blog and Instagram.
iPhone when we are out and about and the lighting is good enough but I try to push the camera photos more due to the quality.
He usually limits me to three photos with the phone so 
it's more pressure! lol

With the camera he usually gives more effort and I think it's sweet! 
I input the settings and show him what I want to be in focus and usually he does a fantastic job! Sometimes he cuts my arm off... Above you will see exhibit A.
Before my husband I've used just about all of my family members the same way at least once!

Final Tips
Instagram has been a great tool for connecting, after moving I didn't know anyone in the area but several people reached out when they saw my geotags or hashtags for the local area. 
Example #Naplesfl
Using those will help other creatives find you and they can reach out if they would like to!

Only reach out yourself if you believe the photo shoot to be mutually beneficial, I never reach out first because I'm a little weird about it. 
I have never liked the idea of initiating as a model because ultimately it sounds like this in my head. "Hey, do you want to take pictures of me?" CRINGE!!!! 
If there is a large company or brand that reaches out and it requires an awesome photographer I feel better about saying "Here is this opportunity if you would like to be a part of it!" 
In the end everyone is different so you do you!
Don't forget the best camera in the world is the one that is on you and these days phone camera quality is great!!! 
Flat lays make great content and I usually take them with my phone, simple as that!

Most importantly
Be SMART about your photo shoots, don't meet in secluded places if you've never met this person.
Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with and trust your gut if it doesn't feel right!!!!

Favorite Jeans: Mom Jeans 
Wedding Booties: Chinese Laundry 


  1. Such a good post! Instagram definitely helped me meet so many new people when I moved here!

  2. I'm interested to learn more about how you choose photographers.
